001    package org.bukkit.entity;
003    /**
004     * Represents a Creature. Creatures are non-intelligent monsters or animals
005     * which have very simple abilities.
006     */
007    public interface Creature extends LivingEntity {
009        /**
010         * Instructs this Creature to set the specified LivingEntity as its
011         * target.
012         * <p>
013         * Hostile creatures may attack their target, and friendly creatures may
014         * follow their target.
015         *
016         * @param target New LivingEntity to target, or null to clear the target
017         */
018        public void setTarget(LivingEntity target);
020        /**
021         * Gets the current target of this Creature
022         *
023         * @return Current target of this creature, or null if none exists
024         */
025        public LivingEntity getTarget();
026    }