002    package org.bukkit.entity;
004    /**
005     * A wild tameable cat
006     */
007    public interface Ocelot extends Animals, Tameable {
009        /**
010         * Gets the current type of this cat.
011         *
012         * @return Type of the cat.
013         */
014        public Type getCatType();
016        /**
017         * Sets the current type of this cat.
018         *
019         * @param type New type of this cat.
020         */
021        public void setCatType(Type type);
023        /**
024         * Checks if this ocelot is sitting
025         *
026         * @return true if sitting
027         */
028        public boolean isSitting();
030        /**
031         * Sets if this ocelot is sitting. Will remove any path that the ocelot
032         * was following beforehand.
033         *
034         * @param sitting true if sitting
035         */
036        public void setSitting(boolean sitting);
038        /**
039         * Represents the various different cat types there are.
040         */
041        public enum Type {
042            WILD_OCELOT(0),
043            BLACK_CAT(1),
044            RED_CAT(2),
045            SIAMESE_CAT(3);
047            private static final Type[] types = new Type[Type.values().length];
048            private final int id;
050            static {
051                for (Type type : values()) {
052                    types[type.getId()] = type;
053                }
054            }
056            private Type(int id) {
057                this.id = id;
058            }
060            /**
061             * Gets the ID of this cat type.
062             *
063             * @return Type ID.
064             * @deprecated Magic value
065             */
066            @Deprecated
067            public int getId() {
068                return id;
069            }
071            /**
072             * Gets a cat type by its ID.
073             *
074             * @param id ID of the cat type to get.
075             * @return Resulting type, or null if not found.
076             * @deprecated Magic value
077             */
078            @Deprecated
079            public static Type getType(int id) {
080                return (id >= types.length) ? null : types[id];
081            }
082        }
083    }