001    package org.bukkit.entity;
003    /**
004     * Represents a Primed TNT.
005     */
006    public interface TNTPrimed extends Explosive {
008        /**
009         * Set the number of ticks until the TNT blows up after being primed.
010         *
011         * @param fuseTicks The fuse ticks
012         */
013        public void setFuseTicks(int fuseTicks);
015        /**
016         * Retrieve the number of ticks until the explosion of this TNTPrimed
017         * entity
018         *
019         * @return the number of ticks until this TNTPrimed explodes
020         */
021        public int getFuseTicks();
023        /**
024         * Gets the source of this primed TNT. The source is the entity
025         * responsible for the creation of this primed TNT. (I.E. player ignites
026         * TNT with flint and steel.) Take note that this can be null if there is
027         * no suitable source. (created by the {@link
028         * org.bukkit.World#spawn(Location, Class)} method, for example.)
029         * <p>
030         * The source will become null if the chunk this primed TNT is in is
031         * unloaded then reloaded. If the source Entity becomes invalidated for
032         * any reason, such being removed from the world, the returned value will
033         * be null.
034         *
035         * @return the source of this primed TNT
036         */
037        public Entity getSource();
038    }