001    package org.bukkit.event.entity;
003    import org.bukkit.block.Block;
004    import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
006    /**
007     * Called when a block causes an entity to combust.
008     */
009    public class EntityCombustByBlockEvent extends EntityCombustEvent {
010        private final Block combuster;
012        public EntityCombustByBlockEvent(final Block combuster, final Entity combustee, final int duration) {
013            super(combustee, duration);
014            this.combuster = combuster;
015        }
017        /**
018         * The combuster can be lava or a block that is on fire.
019         * <p>
020         * WARNING: block may be null.
021         *
022         * @return the Block that set the combustee alight.
023         */
024        public Block getCombuster() {
025            return combuster;
026        }
027    }