001    package org.bukkit.event.entity;
003    import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
004    import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
006    /**
007     * Called when an Entity targets a {@link LivingEntity} and can only target
008     * LivingEntity's.
009     */
010    public class EntityTargetLivingEntityEvent extends EntityTargetEvent{
011        public EntityTargetLivingEntityEvent(final Entity entity, final LivingEntity target, final TargetReason reason) {
012            super(entity, target, reason);
013        }
015        public LivingEntity getTarget() {
016            return (LivingEntity) super.getTarget();
017        }
019        /**
020         * Set the Entity that you want the mob to target.
021         * <p>
022         * It is possible to be null, null will cause the entity to be
023         * target-less.
024         * <p>
025         * Must be a LivingEntity, or null.
026         *
027         * @param target The entity to target
028         */
029        public void setTarget(Entity target) {
030            if (target == null || target instanceof LivingEntity) {
031                super.setTarget(target);
032            }
033        }
034    }