001    package org.bukkit.event.player;
003    import org.bukkit.Location;
004    import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
005    import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
006    import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
008    /**
009     * Holds information for player movement events
010     */
011    public class PlayerMoveEvent extends PlayerEvent implements Cancellable {
012        private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
013        private boolean cancel = false;
014        private Location from;
015        private Location to;
017        public PlayerMoveEvent(final Player player, final Location from, final Location to) {
018            super(player);
019            this.from = from;
020            this.to = to;
021        }
023        /**
024         * Gets the cancellation state of this event. A cancelled event will not
025         * be executed in the server, but will still pass to other plugins
026         * <p>
027         * If a move or teleport event is cancelled, the player will be moved or
028         * teleported back to the Location as defined by getFrom(). This will not
029         * fire an event
030         *
031         * @return true if this event is cancelled
032         */
033        public boolean isCancelled() {
034            return cancel;
035        }
037        /**
038         * Sets the cancellation state of this event. A cancelled event will not
039         * be executed in the server, but will still pass to other plugins
040         * <p>
041         * If a move or teleport event is cancelled, the player will be moved or
042         * teleported back to the Location as defined by getFrom(). This will not
043         * fire an event
044         *
045         * @param cancel true if you wish to cancel this event
046         */
047        public void setCancelled(boolean cancel) {
048            this.cancel = cancel;
049        }
051        /**
052         * Gets the location this player moved from
053         *
054         * @return Location the player moved from
055         */
056        public Location getFrom() {
057            return from;
058        }
060        /**
061         * Sets the location to mark as where the player moved from
062         *
063         * @param from New location to mark as the players previous location
064         */
065        public void setFrom(Location from) {
066            this.from = from;
067        }
069        /**
070         * Gets the location this player moved to
071         *
072         * @return Location the player moved to
073         */
074        public Location getTo() {
075            return to;
076        }
078        /**
079         * Sets the location that this player will move to
080         *
081         * @param to New Location this player will move to
082         */
083        public void setTo(Location to) {
084            this.to = to;
085        }
087        @Override
088        public HandlerList getHandlers() {
089            return handlers;
090        }
092        public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
093            return handlers;
094        }
095    }