001    package org.bukkit.inventory;
003    /**
004     * An interface to the inventory of a Horse.
005     */
006    public interface HorseInventory extends Inventory {
008        /**
009         * Gets the item in the horse's saddle slot.
010         *
011         * @return the saddle item
012         */
013        ItemStack getSaddle();
015        /**
016         * Gets the item in the horse's armor slot.
017         *
018         * @return the armor item
019         */
020        ItemStack getArmor();
022        /**
023         * Sets the item in the horse's saddle slot.
024         *
025         * @param stack the new item
026         */
027        void setSaddle(ItemStack stack);
029        /**
030         * Sets the item in the horse's armor slot.
031         *
032         * @param stack the new item
033         */
034        void setArmor(ItemStack stack);
035    }