Interface Sign

All Superinterfaces:
BlockState, Metadatable

public interface Sign
extends BlockState

Represents either a SignPost or a WallSign

Method Summary
 String getLine(int index)
          Gets the line of text at the specified index.
 String[] getLines()
          Gets all the lines of text currently on this sign.
 void setLine(int index, String line)
          Sets the line of text at the specified index.
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
getBlock, getChunk, getData, getLightLevel, getLocation, getLocation, getRawData, getType, getTypeId, getWorld, getX, getY, getZ, setData, setRawData, setType, setTypeId, update, update, update
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.metadata.Metadatable
getMetadata, hasMetadata, removeMetadata, setMetadata

Method Detail


String[] getLines()
Gets all the lines of text currently on this sign.

Array of Strings containing each line of text


String getLine(int index)
               throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Gets the line of text at the specified index.

For example, getLine(0) will return the first line of text.

index - Line number to get the text from, starting at 0
Text on the given line
IndexOutOfBoundsException - Thrown when the line does not exist


void setLine(int index,
             String line)
             throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Sets the line of text at the specified index.

For example, setLine(0, "Line One") will set the first line of text to "Line One".

index - Line number to set the text at, starting from 0
line - New text to set at the specified index
IndexOutOfBoundsException - If the index is out of the range 0..3

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