Class SetWorldSpawnCommand

  extended by org.bukkit.command.Command
      extended by org.bukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand
          extended by org.bukkit.command.defaults.SetWorldSpawnCommand

public class SetWorldSpawnCommand
extends VanillaCommand

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.bukkit.command.Command
description, usageMessage
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String currentAlias, String[] args)
          Executes the command, returning its success
 List<String> tabComplete(CommandSender sender, String alias, String[] args)
          Executed on tab completion for this command, returning a list of options the player can tab through.
Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand
getDouble, getDouble, getInteger, getRelativeDouble, matches
Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.command.Command
broadcastCommandMessage, broadcastCommandMessage, getAliases, getDescription, getLabel, getName, getPermission, getPermissionMessage, getUsage, isRegistered, register, setAliases, setDescription, setLabel, setPermission, setPermissionMessage, setUsage, tabComplete, testPermission, testPermissionSilent, toString, unregister
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SetWorldSpawnCommand()
Method Detail


public boolean execute(CommandSender sender,
                       String currentAlias,
                       String[] args)
Description copied from class: Command
Executes the command, returning its success

Specified by:
execute in class Command
sender - Source object which is executing this command
currentAlias - The alias of the command used
args - All arguments passed to the command, split via ' '
true if the command was successful, otherwise false


public List<String> tabComplete(CommandSender sender,
                                String alias,
                                String[] args)
Description copied from class: Command
Executed on tab completion for this command, returning a list of options the player can tab through.

tabComplete in class Command
sender - Source object which is executing this command
alias - the alias being used
args - All arguments passed to the command, split via ' '
a list of tab-completions for the specified arguments. This will never be null. List may be immutable.

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