Package org.bukkit.material

Classes that represents various voxel types and states.


Interface Summary
Attachable Indicates that a block can be attached to another block
Colorable An object that can be colored.
Redstone Indicated a Material that may carry or create a Redstone current

Class Summary
Bed Represents a bed.
Button Represents a button
Cauldron Represents a cauldron
Chest Represents a chest
Coal Represents the different types of coals.
CocoaPlant Represents the cocoa plant
Command Represents a command block
Crops Represents the different types of crops.
DetectorRail Represents a detector rail
DirectionalContainer Represents a furnace or a dispenser.
Dispenser Represents a dispenser.
Door Deprecated. No longer functions.
Dye Represents dye
EnderChest Represents an ender chest
ExtendedRails This is the superclass for the DetectorRail and PoweredRail classes
FlowerPot Represents a flower pot.
Furnace Represents a furnace.
FurnaceAndDispenser Represents a furnace or dispenser, two types of directional containers
Gate Represents a fence gate
Ladder Represents Ladder data
Leaves Represents the different types of leaves.
Lever Represents a lever
LongGrass Represents the different types of long grasses.
MaterialData Handles specific metadata for certain items or blocks
MonsterEggs Represents the different types of monster eggs
Mushroom Represents a huge mushroom block
NetherWarts Represents nether wart
PistonBaseMaterial Material data for the piston base block
PistonExtensionMaterial Material data for the piston extension block
PoweredRail Represents a powered rail
PressurePlate Represents a pressure plate
Pumpkin Represents a pumpkin.
Rails Represents minecart rails.
RedstoneTorch Represents a redstone torch
RedstoneWire Represents redstone wire
Sandstone Represents the different types of sandstone.
Sign MaterialData for signs
SimpleAttachableMaterialData Simple utility class for attachable MaterialData subclasses
Skull Represents a skull.
SmoothBrick Represents the different types of smooth bricks.
SpawnEgg Represents a spawn egg that can be used to spawn mobs
Stairs Represents stairs.
Step Represents the different types of steps.
TexturedMaterial Represents textured materials like steps and smooth bricks
Torch MaterialData for torches
TrapDoor Represents a trap door
Tree Represents the different types of Trees.
Tripwire Represents the tripwire
TripwireHook Represents the tripwire hook
Vine Represents a vine
WoodenStep Represents the different types of wooden steps.
Wool Represents a Wool/Cloth block

Enum Summary

Package org.bukkit.material Description

Classes that represents various voxel types and states.

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