Uses of Class

Packages that use PotionType
org.bukkit.potion Classes to represent various potion properties and manipulation. 

Uses of PotionType in org.bukkit.potion

Methods in org.bukkit.potion that return PotionType
static PotionType PotionType.getByDamageValue(int damage)
          Deprecated. Magic value
static PotionType PotionType.getByEffect(PotionEffectType effectType)
 PotionType Potion.getType()
          Returns the PotionType of this potion.
static PotionType PotionType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static PotionType[] PotionType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.bukkit.potion with parameters of type PotionType
 void Potion.setType(PotionType type)
          Sets the PotionType of this potion.

Constructors in org.bukkit.potion with parameters of type PotionType
Potion(PotionType type)
          Construct a new potion of the given type.
Potion(PotionType type, int level)
          Create a new potion of the given type and level.
Potion(PotionType type, int level, boolean splash)
          Deprecated. In favour of using Potion.Potion(PotionType) with Potion.splash().
Potion(PotionType type, int level, boolean splash, boolean extended)
          Deprecated. In favour of using Potion.Potion(PotionType) with Potion.extend() and possibly Potion.splash().
Potion(PotionType type, Potion.Tier tier)
          Deprecated. In favour of Potion.Potion(PotionType, int)
Potion(PotionType type, Potion.Tier tier, boolean splash)
          Deprecated. In favour of Potion.Potion(PotionType, int, boolean)
Potion(PotionType type, Potion.Tier tier, boolean splash, boolean extended)
          Deprecated. In favour of Potion.Potion(PotionType, int, boolean, boolean)

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