Class SimplexOctaveGenerator

  extended by org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator
      extended by org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexOctaveGenerator

public class SimplexOctaveGenerator
extends OctaveGenerator

Creates simplex noise through unbiased octaves

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator
octaves, xScale, yScale, zScale
Constructor Summary
SimplexOctaveGenerator(long seed, int octaves)
          Creates a simplex octave generator for the given world
SimplexOctaveGenerator(Random rand, int octaves)
          Creates a simplex octave generator for the given Random
SimplexOctaveGenerator(World world, int octaves)
          Creates a simplex octave generator for the given world
Method Summary
 double getWScale()
          Gets the scale used for each W-coordinates passed
 double noise(double x, double y, double z, double w, double frequency, double amplitude)
          Generates noise for the 3D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
 double noise(double x, double y, double z, double w, double frequency, double amplitude, boolean normalized)
          Generates noise for the 3D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters
 void setScale(double scale)
          Sets the scale used for all coordinates passed to this generator.
 void setWScale(double scale)
          Sets the scale used for each W-coordinates passed
Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator
getOctaves, getXScale, getYScale, getZScale, noise, noise, noise, noise, noise, noise, setXScale, setYScale, setZScale
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimplexOctaveGenerator(World world,
                              int octaves)
Creates a simplex octave generator for the given world

world - World to construct this generator for
octaves - Amount of octaves to create


public SimplexOctaveGenerator(long seed,
                              int octaves)
Creates a simplex octave generator for the given world

seed - Seed to construct this generator for
octaves - Amount of octaves to create


public SimplexOctaveGenerator(Random rand,
                              int octaves)
Creates a simplex octave generator for the given Random

rand - Random object to construct this generator for
octaves - Amount of octaves to create
Method Detail


public void setScale(double scale)
Description copied from class: OctaveGenerator
Sets the scale used for all coordinates passed to this generator.

This is the equivalent to setting each coordinate to the specified value.

setScale in class OctaveGenerator
scale - New value to scale each coordinate by


public double getWScale()
Gets the scale used for each W-coordinates passed

W scale


public void setWScale(double scale)
Sets the scale used for each W-coordinates passed

scale - New W scale


public double noise(double x,
                    double y,
                    double z,
                    double w,
                    double frequency,
                    double amplitude)
Generates noise for the 3D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters

x - X-coordinate
y - Y-coordinate
z - Z-coordinate
w - W-coordinate
frequency - How much to alter the frequency by each octave
amplitude - How much to alter the amplitude by each octave
Resulting noise


public double noise(double x,
                    double y,
                    double z,
                    double w,
                    double frequency,
                    double amplitude,
                    boolean normalized)
Generates noise for the 3D coordinates using the specified number of octaves and parameters

x - X-coordinate
y - Y-coordinate
z - Z-coordinate
w - W-coordinate
frequency - How much to alter the frequency by each octave
amplitude - How much to alter the amplitude by each octave
normalized - If true, normalize the value to [-1, 1]
Resulting noise

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