Class SimpleCommandMap

  extended by org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleCommandMap
extends Object
implements CommandMap

Field Summary
protected  Map<String,Command> knownCommands
Constructor Summary
SimpleCommandMap(Server server)
Method Summary
 void clearCommands()
          Clears all registered commands.
 boolean dispatch(CommandSender sender, String commandLine)
          Looks for the requested command and executes it if found.
 Command getCommand(String name)
          Gets the command registered to the specified name
 Collection<Command> getCommands()
 boolean register(String fallbackPrefix, Command command)
          Registers a command.
 boolean register(String label, String fallbackPrefix, Command command)
          Registers a command.
 void registerAll(String fallbackPrefix, List<Command> commands)
          Registers all the commands belonging to a certain plugin.
 void registerServerAliases()
 void setFallbackCommands()
 List<String> tabComplete(CommandSender sender, String cmdLine)
          Looks for the requested command and executes an appropriate tab-completer if found.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Map<String,Command> knownCommands
Constructor Detail


public SimpleCommandMap(Server server)
Method Detail


public void setFallbackCommands()


public void registerAll(String fallbackPrefix,
                        List<Command> commands)
Registers all the commands belonging to a certain plugin.

Caller can use:-

Specified by:
registerAll in interface CommandMap
fallbackPrefix - a prefix which is prepended to each command with a ':' one or more times to make the command unique
commands - a list of commands to register


public boolean register(String fallbackPrefix,
                        Command command)
Registers a command. Returns true on success; false if name is already taken and fallback had to be used.

Caller can use:-

Specified by:
register in interface CommandMap
fallbackPrefix - a prefix which is prepended to the command with a ':' one or more times to make the command unique
command - the command to register, from which label is determined from the command name
true if command was registered with the passed in label, false otherwise, which indicates the fallbackPrefix was used one or more times


public boolean register(String label,
                        String fallbackPrefix,
                        Command command)
Registers a command. Returns true on success; false if name is already taken and fallback had to be used.

Caller can use:-

Specified by:
register in interface CommandMap
label - the label of the command, without the '/'-prefix.
fallbackPrefix - a prefix which is prepended to the command with a ':' one or more times to make the command unique
command - the command to register
true if command was registered with the passed in label, false otherwise, which indicates the fallbackPrefix was used one or more times


public boolean dispatch(CommandSender sender,
                        String commandLine)
                 throws CommandException
Looks for the requested command and executes it if found.

Specified by:
dispatch in interface CommandMap
sender - The command's sender
commandLine - command + arguments. Example: "/test abc 123"
returns false if no target is found, true otherwise.
CommandException - Thrown when the executor for the given command fails with an unhandled exception


public void clearCommands()
Description copied from interface: CommandMap
Clears all registered commands.

Specified by:
clearCommands in interface CommandMap


public Command getCommand(String name)
Description copied from interface: CommandMap
Gets the command registered to the specified name

Specified by:
getCommand in interface CommandMap
name - Name of the command to retrieve
Command with the specified name or null if a command with that label doesn't exist


public List<String> tabComplete(CommandSender sender,
                                String cmdLine)
Description copied from interface: CommandMap
Looks for the requested command and executes an appropriate tab-completer if found. This method will also tab-complete partial commands.

Specified by:
tabComplete in interface CommandMap
sender - The command's sender.
cmdLine - The entire command string to tab-complete, excluding initial slash.
a list of possible tab-completions. This list may be immutable. Will be null if no matching command of which sender has permission.


public Collection<Command> getCommands()


public void registerServerAliases()

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