Interface TabCompleter

All Known Subinterfaces:
Plugin, TabExecutor
All Known Implementing Classes:
JavaPlugin, PluginBase

public interface TabCompleter

Represents a class which can suggest tab completions for commands.

Method Summary
 List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command command, String alias, String[] args)
          Requests a list of possible completions for a command argument.

Method Detail


List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender,
                           Command command,
                           String alias,
                           String[] args)
Requests a list of possible completions for a command argument.

sender - Source of the command
command - Command which was executed
alias - The alias used
args - The arguments passed to the command, including final partial argument to be completed and command label
A List of possible completions for the final argument, or null to default to the command executor

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