Class YamlConfiguration

  extended by org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
      extended by org.bukkit.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
          extended by org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
              extended by org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration
All Implemented Interfaces:
Configuration, ConfigurationSection

public class YamlConfiguration
extends FileConfiguration

An implementation of Configuration which saves all files in Yaml. Note that this implementation is not synchronized.

Field Summary
protected static String BLANK_CONFIG
protected static String COMMENT_PREFIX
Fields inherited from class org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
Fields inherited from class org.bukkit.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
defaults, options
Fields inherited from class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  String buildHeader()
          Compiles the header for this FileConfiguration and returns the result.
protected  void convertMapsToSections(Map<?,?> input, ConfigurationSection section)
static YamlConfiguration loadConfiguration(File file)
          Creates a new YamlConfiguration, loading from the given file.
static YamlConfiguration loadConfiguration(InputStream stream)
          Deprecated. does not properly consider encoding
static YamlConfiguration loadConfiguration(Reader reader)
          Creates a new YamlConfiguration, loading from the given reader.
 void loadFromString(String contents)
          Loads this FileConfiguration from the specified string, as opposed to from file.
 YamlConfigurationOptions options()
          Gets the ConfigurationOptions for this Configuration.
protected  String parseHeader(String input)
 String saveToString()
          Saves this FileConfiguration to a string, and returns it.
Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
load, load, load, load, save, save
Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
addDefault, addDefaults, addDefaults, getDefaults, getParent, setDefaults
Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
contains, createPath, createPath, createSection, createSection, get, get, getBoolean, getBoolean, getBooleanList, getByteList, getCharacterList, getColor, getColor, getConfigurationSection, getCurrentPath, getDefault, getDefaultSection, getDouble, getDouble, getDoubleList, getFloatList, getInt, getInt, getIntegerList, getItemStack, getItemStack, getKeys, getList, getList, getLong, getLong, getLongList, getMapList, getName, getOfflinePlayer, getOfflinePlayer, getRoot, getShortList, getString, getString, getStringList, getValues, getVector, getVector, isBoolean, isColor, isConfigurationSection, isDouble, isInt, isItemStack, isList, isLong, isOfflinePlayer, isPrimitiveWrapper, isSet, isString, isVector, mapChildrenKeys, mapChildrenValues, set, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
contains, createSection, createSection, get, get, getBoolean, getBoolean, getBooleanList, getByteList, getCharacterList, getColor, getColor, getConfigurationSection, getCurrentPath, getDefaultSection, getDouble, getDouble, getDoubleList, getFloatList, getInt, getInt, getIntegerList, getItemStack, getItemStack, getKeys, getList, getList, getLong, getLong, getLongList, getMapList, getName, getOfflinePlayer, getOfflinePlayer, getRoot, getShortList, getString, getString, getStringList, getValues, getVector, getVector, isBoolean, isColor, isConfigurationSection, isDouble, isInt, isItemStack, isList, isLong, isOfflinePlayer, isSet, isString, isVector, set

Field Detail


protected static final String COMMENT_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String BLANK_CONFIG
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public YamlConfiguration()
Method Detail


public String saveToString()
Description copied from class: FileConfiguration
Saves this FileConfiguration to a string, and returns it.

Specified by:
saveToString in class FileConfiguration
String containing this configuration.


public void loadFromString(String contents)
                    throws InvalidConfigurationException
Description copied from class: FileConfiguration
Loads this FileConfiguration from the specified string, as opposed to from file.

All the values contained within this configuration will be removed, leaving only settings and defaults, and the new values will be loaded from the given string.

If the string is invalid in any way, an exception will be thrown.

Specified by:
loadFromString in class FileConfiguration
contents - Contents of a Configuration to load.
InvalidConfigurationException - Thrown if the specified string is invalid.


protected void convertMapsToSections(Map<?,?> input,
                                     ConfigurationSection section)


protected String parseHeader(String input)


protected String buildHeader()
Description copied from class: FileConfiguration
Compiles the header for this FileConfiguration and returns the result.

This will use the header from FileConfiguration.options() -> FileConfigurationOptions.header(), respecting the rules of FileConfigurationOptions.copyHeader() if set.

Specified by:
buildHeader in class FileConfiguration
Compiled header


public YamlConfigurationOptions options()
Description copied from interface: Configuration
Gets the ConfigurationOptions for this Configuration.

All setters through this method are chainable.

Specified by:
options in interface Configuration
options in class FileConfiguration
Options for this configuration


public static YamlConfiguration loadConfiguration(File file)
Creates a new YamlConfiguration, loading from the given file.

Any errors loading the Configuration will be logged and then ignored. If the specified input is not a valid config, a blank config will be returned.

The encoding used may follow the system dependent default.

file - Input file
Resulting configuration
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if file is null


public static YamlConfiguration loadConfiguration(InputStream stream)
Deprecated. does not properly consider encoding

Creates a new YamlConfiguration, loading from the given stream.

Any errors loading the Configuration will be logged and then ignored. If the specified input is not a valid config, a blank config will be returned.

stream - Input stream
Resulting configuration
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if stream is null
See Also:
FileConfiguration.load(InputStream), loadConfiguration(Reader)


public static YamlConfiguration loadConfiguration(Reader reader)
Creates a new YamlConfiguration, loading from the given reader.

Any errors loading the Configuration will be logged and then ignored. If the specified input is not a valid config, a blank config will be returned.

reader - input
resulting configuration
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if stream is null

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