Class YamlConfigurationOptions

  extended by org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
      extended by org.bukkit.configuration.MemoryConfigurationOptions
          extended by org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
              extended by org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfigurationOptions

public class YamlConfigurationOptions
extends FileConfigurationOptions

Various settings for controlling the input and output of a YamlConfiguration

Constructor Summary
protected YamlConfigurationOptions(YamlConfiguration configuration)
Method Summary
 YamlConfiguration configuration()
          Returns the Configuration that this object is responsible for.
 YamlConfigurationOptions copyDefaults(boolean value)
          Sets if the Configuration should copy values from its default Configuration directly.
 YamlConfigurationOptions copyHeader(boolean value)
          Sets whether or not the header should be copied from a default source.
 YamlConfigurationOptions header(String value)
          Sets the header that will be applied to the top of the saved output.
 int indent()
          Gets how much spaces should be used to indent each line.
 YamlConfigurationOptions indent(int value)
          Sets how much spaces should be used to indent each line.
 YamlConfigurationOptions pathSeparator(char value)
          Sets the char that will be used to separate ConfigurationSections
Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
copyHeader, header
Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
copyDefaults, pathSeparator
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected YamlConfigurationOptions(YamlConfiguration configuration)
Method Detail


public YamlConfiguration configuration()
Description copied from class: ConfigurationOptions
Returns the Configuration that this object is responsible for.

configuration in class FileConfigurationOptions
Parent configuration


public YamlConfigurationOptions copyDefaults(boolean value)
Description copied from class: ConfigurationOptions
Sets if the Configuration should copy values from its default Configuration directly.

If this is true, all values in the default Configuration will be directly copied, making it impossible to distinguish between values that were set and values that are provided by default. As a result, ConfigurationSection.contains(java.lang.String) will always return the same value as ConfigurationSection.isSet(java.lang.String). The default value is false.

copyDefaults in class FileConfigurationOptions
value - Whether or not defaults are directly copied
This object, for chaining


public YamlConfigurationOptions pathSeparator(char value)
Description copied from class: ConfigurationOptions
Sets the char that will be used to separate ConfigurationSections

This value does not affect how the Configuration is stored, only in how you access the data. The default value is '.'.

pathSeparator in class FileConfigurationOptions
value - Path separator
This object, for chaining


public YamlConfigurationOptions header(String value)
Description copied from class: FileConfigurationOptions
Sets the header that will be applied to the top of the saved output.

This header will be commented out and applied directly at the top of the generated output of the FileConfiguration. It is not required to include a newline at the end of the header as it will automatically be applied, but you may include one if you wish for extra spacing.

Null is a valid value which will indicate that no header is to be applied.

header in class FileConfigurationOptions
value - New header
This object, for chaining


public YamlConfigurationOptions copyHeader(boolean value)
Description copied from class: FileConfigurationOptions
Sets whether or not the header should be copied from a default source.

If this is true, if a default FileConfiguration is passed to MemoryConfiguration.setDefaults(org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration) then upon saving it will use the header from that config, instead of the one provided here.

If no default is set on the configuration, or the default is not of type FileConfiguration, or that config has no header (FileConfigurationOptions.header() returns null) then the header specified in this configuration will be used.

Defaults to true.

copyHeader in class FileConfigurationOptions
value - Whether or not to copy the header
This object, for chaining


public int indent()
Gets how much spaces should be used to indent each line.

The minimum value this may be is 2, and the maximum is 9.

How much to indent by


public YamlConfigurationOptions indent(int value)
Sets how much spaces should be used to indent each line.

The minimum value this may be is 2, and the maximum is 9.

value - New indent
This object, for chaining

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