Uses of Class

Packages that use BlockEvent
org.bukkit.event.block Events relating to when a block is changed or interacts with the world
org.bukkit.event.inventory Events relating to inventory manipulation. 

Uses of BlockEvent in org.bukkit.event.block

Subclasses of BlockEvent in org.bukkit.event.block
 class BlockBreakEvent
          Called when a block is broken by a player.
 class BlockBurnEvent
          Called when a block is destroyed as a result of being burnt by fire.
 class BlockCanBuildEvent
          Called when we try to place a block, to see if we can build it here or not.
 class BlockDamageEvent
          Called when a block is damaged by a player.
 class BlockDispenseEvent
          Called when an item is dispensed from a block.
 class BlockExpEvent
          An event that's called when a block yields experience.
 class BlockFadeEvent
          Called when a block fades, melts or disappears based on world conditions
 class BlockFormEvent
          Called when a block is formed or spreads based on world conditions.
 class BlockFromToEvent
          Represents events with a source block and a destination block, currently only applies to liquid (lava and water) and teleporting dragon eggs.
 class BlockGrowEvent
          Called when a block grows naturally in the world.
 class BlockIgniteEvent
          Called when a block is ignited.
 class BlockMultiPlaceEvent
          Fired when a single block placement action of a player triggers the creation of multiple blocks(e.g.
 class BlockPhysicsEvent
          Thrown when a block physics check is called
 class BlockPistonEvent
          Called when a piston block is triggered
 class BlockPistonExtendEvent
          Called when a piston extends
 class BlockPistonRetractEvent
          Called when a piston retracts
 class BlockPlaceEvent
          Called when a block is placed by a player.
 class BlockRedstoneEvent
          Called when a redstone current changes
 class BlockSpreadEvent
          Called when a block spreads based on world conditions.
 class EntityBlockFormEvent
          Called when a block is formed by entities.
 class LeavesDecayEvent
          Called when leaves are decaying naturally.
 class NotePlayEvent
          Called when a note block is being played through player interaction or a redstone current.
 class SignChangeEvent
          Called when a sign is changed by a player.

Uses of BlockEvent in org.bukkit.event.inventory

Subclasses of BlockEvent in org.bukkit.event.inventory
 class BrewEvent
          Called when the brewing of the contents inside the Brewing Stand is complete.
 class FurnaceBurnEvent
          Called when an ItemStack is successfully burned as fuel in a furnace.
 class FurnaceExtractEvent
          This event is called when a player takes items out of the furnace
 class FurnaceSmeltEvent
          Called when an ItemStack is successfully smelted in a furnace.

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