Package org.bukkit.inventory

Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions.


Interface Summary
AnvilInventory Interface to the inventory of an Anvil.
BeaconInventory Interface to the inventory of a Beacon.
BrewerInventory Interface to the inventory of a Brewing Stand.
CraftingInventory Interface to the crafting inventories
DoubleChestInventory Interface to the inventory of a Double Chest.
EnchantingInventory Interface to the inventory of an Enchantment Table.
EntityEquipment An interface to a creatures inventory
FurnaceInventory Interface to the inventory of a Furnace.
HorseInventory An interface to the inventory of a Horse.
Inventory Interface to the various inventories.
ItemFactory An instance of the ItemFactory can be obtained with Server.getItemFactory().
PlayerInventory Interface to the inventory of a Player, including the four armor slots.
Recipe Represents some type of crafting recipe.

Class Summary
FurnaceRecipe Represents a smelting recipe.
InventoryView Represents a view linking two inventories and a single player (whose inventory may or may not be one of the two).
ItemStack Represents a stack of items
ShapedRecipe Represents a shaped (ie normal) crafting recipe.
ShapelessRecipe Represents a shapeless recipe, where the arrangement of the ingredients on the crafting grid does not matter.

Enum Summary
InventoryView.Property Represents various extra properties of certain inventory windows.

Package org.bukkit.inventory Description

Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions.

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