Uses of Interface

Packages that use Vehicle
org.bukkit.entity Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a world, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. 
org.bukkit.entity.minecart Interfaces for various Minecart types. 
org.bukkit.event.vehicle Events relating to vehicular entities

Uses of Vehicle in org.bukkit.entity

Subinterfaces of Vehicle in org.bukkit.entity
 interface Boat
          Represents a boat entity.
 interface Horse
          Represents a Horse.
 interface Minecart
          Represents a minecart entity.
 interface Pig
          Represents a Pig.

Uses of Vehicle in org.bukkit.entity.minecart

Subinterfaces of Vehicle in org.bukkit.entity.minecart
 interface CommandMinecart
 interface ExplosiveMinecart
          Represents a Minecart with TNT inside it that can explode when triggered.
 interface HopperMinecart
          Represents a Minecart with a Hopper inside it
 interface PoweredMinecart
          Represents a powered minecart.
 interface RideableMinecart
          Represents a minecart that can have certain entities as passengers.
 interface SpawnerMinecart
          Represents a Minecart with an entity spawner inside it.
 interface StorageMinecart
          Represents a minecart with a chest.

Uses of Vehicle in org.bukkit.event.vehicle

Fields in org.bukkit.event.vehicle declared as Vehicle
protected  Vehicle VehicleEvent.vehicle

Methods in org.bukkit.event.vehicle that return Vehicle
 Vehicle VehicleEvent.getVehicle()
          Get the vehicle.

Constructors in org.bukkit.event.vehicle with parameters of type Vehicle
VehicleBlockCollisionEvent(Vehicle vehicle, Block block)
VehicleCollisionEvent(Vehicle vehicle)
VehicleCreateEvent(Vehicle vehicle)
VehicleDamageEvent(Vehicle vehicle, Entity attacker, double damage)
VehicleDamageEvent(Vehicle vehicle, Entity attacker, int damage)
VehicleDestroyEvent(Vehicle vehicle, Entity attacker)
VehicleEnterEvent(Vehicle vehicle, Entity entered)
VehicleEntityCollisionEvent(Vehicle vehicle, Entity entity)
VehicleEvent(Vehicle vehicle)
VehicleExitEvent(Vehicle vehicle, LivingEntity exited)
VehicleMoveEvent(Vehicle vehicle, Location from, Location to)
VehicleUpdateEvent(Vehicle vehicle)

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