Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServerOperator
org.bukkit More generalized classes in the API. 
org.bukkit.command Classes relating to handling specialized non-chat player input. 
org.bukkit.entity Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a world, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. 
org.bukkit.entity.minecart Interfaces for various Minecart types. 
org.bukkit.permissions Classes dedicated to providing binary state properties to players. 

Uses of ServerOperator in org.bukkit

Subinterfaces of ServerOperator in org.bukkit
 interface OfflinePlayer

Uses of ServerOperator in org.bukkit.command

Subinterfaces of ServerOperator in org.bukkit.command
 interface BlockCommandSender
 interface CommandSender
 interface ConsoleCommandSender
 interface RemoteConsoleCommandSender

Uses of ServerOperator in org.bukkit.entity

Subinterfaces of ServerOperator in org.bukkit.entity
 interface HumanEntity
          Represents a human entity, such as an NPC or a player
 interface Player
          Represents a player, connected or not

Uses of ServerOperator in org.bukkit.entity.minecart

Subinterfaces of ServerOperator in org.bukkit.entity.minecart
 interface CommandMinecart

Uses of ServerOperator in org.bukkit.permissions

Subinterfaces of ServerOperator in org.bukkit.permissions
 interface Permissible
          Represents an object that may be assigned permissions

Classes in org.bukkit.permissions that implement ServerOperator
 class PermissibleBase
          Base Permissible for use in any Permissible object via proxy or extension

Constructors in org.bukkit.permissions with parameters of type ServerOperator
PermissibleBase(ServerOperator opable)

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