Uses of Interface

Packages that use Plugin
org.bukkit.command Classes relating to handling specialized non-chat player input. 
org.bukkit.conversations Classes dedicated to facilitate direct player-to-plugin communication. 
org.bukkit.event Classes dedicated to handling triggered code executions. 
org.bukkit.event.server Events relating to programmatic state changes on the server. 
org.bukkit.metadata Classes dedicated to providing a layer of plugin specified data on various Minecraft concepts. 
org.bukkit.permissions Classes dedicated to providing binary state properties to players. 
org.bukkit.plugin Classes specifically relating to loading software modules at runtime. Classes for handling plugins written in java. 
org.bukkit.plugin.messaging Classes dedicated to specialized plugin to client protocols. 
org.bukkit.scheduler Classes dedicated to letting plugins run code at specific time intervals, including thread safety. 

Uses of Plugin in org.bukkit.command

Methods in org.bukkit.command that return Plugin
 Plugin PluginIdentifiableCommand.getPlugin()
          Gets the owner of this PluginIdentifiableCommand.
 Plugin PluginCommand.getPlugin()
          Gets the owner of this PluginCommand

Methods in org.bukkit.command with parameters of type Plugin
static List<Command> PluginCommandYamlParser.parse(Plugin plugin)

Constructors in org.bukkit.command with parameters of type Plugin
PluginCommand(String name, Plugin owner)

Uses of Plugin in org.bukkit.conversations

Fields in org.bukkit.conversations declared as Plugin
protected  Plugin PluginNameConversationPrefix.plugin
protected  Plugin ConversationFactory.plugin
protected  Plugin InactivityConversationCanceller.plugin

Methods in org.bukkit.conversations that return Plugin
 Plugin ConversationContext.getPlugin()
          Gets the plugin that owns this conversation.

Constructors in org.bukkit.conversations with parameters of type Plugin
Conversation(Plugin plugin, Conversable forWhom, Prompt firstPrompt)
          Initializes a new Conversation.
Conversation(Plugin plugin, Conversable forWhom, Prompt firstPrompt, Map<Object,Object> initialSessionData)
          Initializes a new Conversation.
ConversationContext(Plugin plugin, Conversable forWhom, Map<Object,Object> initialSessionData)
ConversationFactory(Plugin plugin)
          Constructs a ConversationFactory.
InactivityConversationCanceller(Plugin plugin, int timeoutSeconds)
          Creates an InactivityConversationCanceller.
PlayerNamePrompt(Plugin plugin)
PluginNameConversationPrefix(Plugin plugin)
PluginNameConversationPrefix(Plugin plugin, String separator, ChatColor prefixColor)

Uses of Plugin in org.bukkit.event

Methods in org.bukkit.event with parameters of type Plugin
static ArrayList<RegisteredListener> HandlerList.getRegisteredListeners(Plugin plugin)
          Get a specific plugin's registered listeners associated with this handler list
 void HandlerList.unregister(Plugin plugin)
          Remove a specific plugin's listeners from this handler
static void HandlerList.unregisterAll(Plugin plugin)
          Unregister a specific plugin's listeners from all handler lists.

Uses of Plugin in org.bukkit.event.server

Methods in org.bukkit.event.server that return Plugin
 Plugin PluginEvent.getPlugin()
          Gets the plugin involved in this event

Constructors in org.bukkit.event.server with parameters of type Plugin
PluginDisableEvent(Plugin plugin)
PluginEnableEvent(Plugin plugin)
PluginEvent(Plugin plugin)

Uses of Plugin in org.bukkit.metadata

Fields in org.bukkit.metadata with type parameters of type Plugin
protected  WeakReference<Plugin> MetadataValueAdapter.owningPlugin

Methods in org.bukkit.metadata that return Plugin
 Plugin MetadataValue.getOwningPlugin()
          Returns the Plugin that created this metadata item.
 Plugin MetadataValueAdapter.getOwningPlugin()

Methods in org.bukkit.metadata with parameters of type Plugin
 void MetadataStore.invalidateAll(Plugin owningPlugin)
          Invalidates all metadata in the metadata store that originates from the given plugin.
 void MetadataStoreBase.invalidateAll(Plugin owningPlugin)
          Invalidates all metadata in the metadata store that originates from the given plugin.
 void Metadatable.removeMetadata(String metadataKey, Plugin owningPlugin)
          Removes the given metadata value from the implementing object's metadata store.
 void MetadataStore.removeMetadata(T subject, String metadataKey, Plugin owningPlugin)
          Removes a metadata item owned by a plugin from a subject.
 void MetadataStoreBase.removeMetadata(T subject, String metadataKey, Plugin owningPlugin)
          Removes a metadata item owned by a plugin from a subject.

Constructors in org.bukkit.metadata with parameters of type Plugin
FixedMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin, Object value)
          Initializes a FixedMetadataValue with an Object
LazyMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin)
          Protected special constructor used by FixedMetadataValue to bypass standard setup.
LazyMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin, Callable<Object> lazyValue)
          Initialized a LazyMetadataValue object with the default CACHE_AFTER_FIRST_EVAL cache strategy.
LazyMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin, LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy cacheStrategy, Callable<Object> lazyValue)
          Initializes a LazyMetadataValue object with a specific cache strategy.
MetadataValueAdapter(Plugin owningPlugin)

Uses of Plugin in org.bukkit.permissions

Methods in org.bukkit.permissions that return Plugin
 Plugin PermissionAttachment.getPlugin()
          Gets the plugin responsible for this attachment

Methods in org.bukkit.permissions with parameters of type Plugin
 PermissionAttachment Permissible.addAttachment(Plugin plugin)
          Adds a new empty PermissionAttachment to this object
 PermissionAttachment PermissibleBase.addAttachment(Plugin plugin)
 PermissionAttachment Permissible.addAttachment(Plugin plugin, int ticks)
          Temporarily adds a new empty PermissionAttachment to this object
 PermissionAttachment PermissibleBase.addAttachment(Plugin plugin, int ticks)
 PermissionAttachment Permissible.addAttachment(Plugin plugin, String name, boolean value)
          Adds a new PermissionAttachment with a single permission by name and value
 PermissionAttachment PermissibleBase.addAttachment(Plugin plugin, String name, boolean value)
 PermissionAttachment Permissible.addAttachment(Plugin plugin, String name, boolean value, int ticks)
          Temporarily adds a new PermissionAttachment with a single permission by name and value
 PermissionAttachment PermissibleBase.addAttachment(Plugin plugin, String name, boolean value, int ticks)

Constructors in org.bukkit.permissions with parameters of type Plugin
PermissionAttachment(Plugin plugin, Permissible Permissible)

Uses of Plugin in org.bukkit.plugin

Classes in org.bukkit.plugin that implement Plugin
 class PluginBase
          Represents a base Plugin

Methods in org.bukkit.plugin that return Plugin
 Plugin RegisteredServiceProvider.getPlugin()
 Plugin RegisteredListener.getPlugin()
          Gets the plugin for this registration
 Plugin SimplePluginManager.getPlugin(String name)
          Checks if the given plugin is loaded and returns it when applicable
 Plugin PluginManager.getPlugin(String name)
          Checks if the given plugin is loaded and returns it when applicable
 Plugin[] SimplePluginManager.getPlugins()
 Plugin[] PluginManager.getPlugins()
          Gets a list of all currently loaded plugins
 Plugin SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(File file)
          Loads the plugin in the specified file
 Plugin PluginLoader.loadPlugin(File file)
          Loads the plugin contained in the specified file
 Plugin PluginManager.loadPlugin(File file)
          Loads the plugin in the specified file
 Plugin[] SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(File directory)
          Loads the plugins contained within the specified directory
 Plugin[] PluginManager.loadPlugins(File directory)
          Loads the plugins contained within the specified directory

Methods in org.bukkit.plugin with parameters of type Plugin
 Map<Class<? extends Event>,Set<RegisteredListener>> PluginLoader.createRegisteredListeners(Listener listener, Plugin plugin)
          Creates and returns registered listeners for the event classes used in this listener
 void SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
 void PluginLoader.disablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
          Disables the specified plugin
 void PluginManager.disablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
          Disables the specified plugin
 void SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
 void PluginLoader.enablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
          Enables the specified plugin
 void PluginManager.enablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
          Enables the specified plugin
 List<RegisteredServiceProvider<?>> ServicesManager.getRegistrations(Plugin plugin)
          Get registrations of providers for a plugin.
 List<RegisteredServiceProvider<?>> SimpleServicesManager.getRegistrations(Plugin plugin)
          Get registrations of providers for a plugin.
 boolean SimplePluginManager.isPluginEnabled(Plugin plugin)
          Checks if the given plugin is enabled or not
 boolean PluginManager.isPluginEnabled(Plugin plugin)
          Checks if the given plugin is enabled or not
<T> void
ServicesManager.register(Class<T> service, T provider, Plugin plugin, ServicePriority priority)
          Register a provider of a service.
<T> void
SimpleServicesManager.register(Class<T> service, T provider, Plugin plugin, ServicePriority priority)
          Register a provider of a service.
 void SimplePluginManager.registerEvent(Class<? extends Event> event, Listener listener, EventPriority priority, EventExecutor executor, Plugin plugin)
 void PluginManager.registerEvent(Class<? extends Event> event, Listener listener, EventPriority priority, EventExecutor executor, Plugin plugin)
          Registers the specified executor to the given event class
 void SimplePluginManager.registerEvent(Class<? extends Event> event, Listener listener, EventPriority priority, EventExecutor executor, Plugin plugin, boolean ignoreCancelled)
          Registers the given event to the specified listener using a directly passed EventExecutor
 void PluginManager.registerEvent(Class<? extends Event> event, Listener listener, EventPriority priority, EventExecutor executor, Plugin plugin, boolean ignoreCancelled)
          Registers the specified executor to the given event class
 void SimplePluginManager.registerEvents(Listener listener, Plugin plugin)
 void PluginManager.registerEvents(Listener listener, Plugin plugin)
          Registers all the events in the given listener class
 void ServicesManager.unregisterAll(Plugin plugin)
          Unregister all the providers registered by a particular plugin.
 void SimpleServicesManager.unregisterAll(Plugin plugin)
          Unregister all the providers registered by a particular plugin.

Constructors in org.bukkit.plugin with parameters of type Plugin
PluginLogger(Plugin context)
          Creates a new PluginLogger that extracts the name from a plugin.
RegisteredListener(Listener listener, EventExecutor executor, EventPriority priority, Plugin plugin, boolean ignoreCancelled)
RegisteredServiceProvider(Class<T> service, T provider, ServicePriority priority, Plugin plugin)
TimedRegisteredListener(Listener pluginListener, EventExecutor eventExecutor, EventPriority eventPriority, Plugin registeredPlugin, boolean listenCancelled)

Uses of Plugin in

Classes in that implement Plugin
 class JavaPlugin
          Represents a Java plugin

Methods in that return Plugin
 Plugin JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(File file)

Methods in with parameters of type Plugin
 Map<Class<? extends Event>,Set<RegisteredListener>> JavaPluginLoader.createRegisteredListeners(Listener listener, Plugin plugin)
 void JavaPluginLoader.disablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
 void JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(Plugin plugin)

Uses of Plugin in org.bukkit.plugin.messaging

Methods in org.bukkit.plugin.messaging that return Plugin
 Plugin PluginMessageListenerRegistration.getPlugin()
          Gets the plugin that this registration is for.

Methods in org.bukkit.plugin.messaging with parameters of type Plugin
 Set<PluginMessageListenerRegistration> Messenger.getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin plugin)
          Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channel registrations that the specified plugin has.
 Set<PluginMessageListenerRegistration> StandardMessenger.getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin plugin)
 Set<PluginMessageListenerRegistration> Messenger.getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin plugin, String channel)
          Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channel registrations that the specified plugin has on the requested channel.
 Set<PluginMessageListenerRegistration> StandardMessenger.getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin plugin, String channel)
 Set<String> Messenger.getIncomingChannels(Plugin plugin)
          Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channels that the specified plugin is registered for.
 Set<String> StandardMessenger.getIncomingChannels(Plugin plugin)
 Set<String> Messenger.getOutgoingChannels(Plugin plugin)
          Gets a set containing all the outgoing plugin channels that the specified plugin is registered to.
 Set<String> StandardMessenger.getOutgoingChannels(Plugin plugin)
 boolean Messenger.isIncomingChannelRegistered(Plugin plugin, String channel)
          Checks if the specified plugin has registered to receive incoming messages through the requested channel.
 boolean StandardMessenger.isIncomingChannelRegistered(Plugin plugin, String channel)
 boolean Messenger.isOutgoingChannelRegistered(Plugin plugin, String channel)
          Checks if the specified plugin has registered to send outgoing messages through the requested channel.
 boolean StandardMessenger.isOutgoingChannelRegistered(Plugin plugin, String channel)
 PluginMessageListenerRegistration Messenger.registerIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin, String channel, PluginMessageListener listener)
          Registers the specific plugin for listening on the requested incoming plugin channel, allowing it to act upon any plugin messages.
 PluginMessageListenerRegistration StandardMessenger.registerIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin, String channel, PluginMessageListener listener)
 void Messenger.registerOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin, String channel)
          Registers the specific plugin to the requested outgoing plugin channel, allowing it to send messages through that channel to any clients.
 void StandardMessenger.registerOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin, String channel)
 void PluginMessageRecipient.sendPluginMessage(Plugin source, String channel, byte[] message)
          Sends this recipient a Plugin Message on the specified outgoing channel.
 void Messenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin)
          Unregisters the specific plugin from listening on all plugin channels through all listeners.
 void StandardMessenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin)
 void Messenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin, String channel)
          Unregisters the specific plugin from listening on the requested incoming plugin channel, no longer allowing it to act upon any plugin messages.
 void StandardMessenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin, String channel)
 void Messenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin, String channel, PluginMessageListener listener)
          Unregisters the specific plugin's listener from listening on the requested incoming plugin channel, no longer allowing it to act upon any plugin messages.
 void StandardMessenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin, String channel, PluginMessageListener listener)
 void Messenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin)
          Unregisters the specific plugin from all outgoing plugin channels, no longer allowing it to send any plugin messages.
 void StandardMessenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin)
 void Messenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin, String channel)
          Unregisters the specific plugin from the requested outgoing plugin channel, no longer allowing it to send messages through that channel to any clients.
 void StandardMessenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin, String channel)
static void StandardMessenger.validatePluginMessage(Messenger messenger, Plugin source, String channel, byte[] message)
          Validates the input of a Plugin Message, ensuring the arguments are all valid.

Constructors in org.bukkit.plugin.messaging with parameters of type Plugin
PluginMessageListenerRegistration(Messenger messenger, Plugin plugin, String channel, PluginMessageListener listener)

Uses of Plugin in org.bukkit.scheduler

Methods in org.bukkit.scheduler that return Plugin
 Plugin BukkitWorker.getOwner()
          Returns the Plugin that owns this task.
 Plugin BukkitTask.getOwner()
          Returns the Plugin that owns this task.

Methods in org.bukkit.scheduler with parameters of type Plugin
<T> Future<T>
BukkitScheduler.callSyncMethod(Plugin plugin, Callable<T> task)
          Calls a method on the main thread and returns a Future object.
 void BukkitScheduler.cancelTasks(Plugin plugin)
          Removes all tasks associated with a particular plugin from the scheduler.
 BukkitTask BukkitRunnable.runTask(Plugin plugin)
          Schedules this in the Bukkit scheduler to run on next tick.
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTask(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable task)
          Deprecated. Use BukkitRunnable.runTask(Plugin)
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTask(Plugin plugin, Runnable task)
          Returns a task that will run on the next server tick.
 BukkitTask BukkitRunnable.runTaskAsynchronously(Plugin plugin)
          Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTaskAsynchronously(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable task)
          Deprecated. Use BukkitRunnable.runTaskAsynchronously(Plugin)
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTaskAsynchronously(Plugin plugin, Runnable task)
          Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTaskLater(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable task, long delay)
          Deprecated. Use BukkitRunnable.runTaskLater(Plugin, long)
 BukkitTask BukkitRunnable.runTaskLater(Plugin plugin, long delay)
          Schedules this to run after the specified number of server ticks.
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTaskLater(Plugin plugin, Runnable task, long delay)
          Returns a task that will run after the specified number of server ticks.
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable task, long delay)
          Deprecated. Use BukkitRunnable.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(Plugin, long)
 BukkitTask BukkitRunnable.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(Plugin plugin, long delay)
          Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(Plugin plugin, Runnable task, long delay)
          Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTaskTimer(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable task, long delay, long period)
          Deprecated. Use BukkitRunnable.runTaskTimer(Plugin, long, long)
 BukkitTask BukkitRunnable.runTaskTimer(Plugin plugin, long delay, long period)
          Schedules this to repeatedly run until cancelled, starting after the specified number of server ticks.
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTaskTimer(Plugin plugin, Runnable task, long delay, long period)
          Returns a task that will repeatedly run until cancelled, starting after the specified number of server ticks.
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable task, long delay, long period)
          Deprecated. Use BukkitRunnable.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(Plugin, long, long)
 BukkitTask BukkitRunnable.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(Plugin plugin, long delay, long period)
          Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
 BukkitTask BukkitScheduler.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(Plugin plugin, Runnable task, long delay, long period)
          Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
 int BukkitScheduler.scheduleAsyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin, Runnable task)
          Deprecated. This name is misleading, as it does not schedule "a sync" task, but rather, "an async" task
 int BukkitScheduler.scheduleAsyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin, Runnable task, long delay)
          Deprecated. This name is misleading, as it does not schedule "a sync" task, but rather, "an async" task
 int BukkitScheduler.scheduleAsyncRepeatingTask(Plugin plugin, Runnable task, long delay, long period)
          Deprecated. This name is misleading, as it does not schedule "a sync" task, but rather, "an async" task
 int BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable task)
          Deprecated. Use BukkitRunnable.runTask(Plugin)
 int BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable task, long delay)
          Deprecated. Use BukkitRunnable.runTaskLater(Plugin, long)
 int BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin, Runnable task)
          Schedules a once off task to occur as soon as possible.
 int BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin, Runnable task, long delay)
          Schedules a once off task to occur after a delay.
 int BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable task, long delay, long period)
          Deprecated. Use BukkitRunnable.runTaskTimer(Plugin, long, long)
 int BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(Plugin plugin, Runnable task, long delay, long period)
          Schedules a repeating task.

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