Uses of Class

Packages that use InventoryView
org.bukkit.entity Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a world, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. 
org.bukkit.event.enchantment Events triggered from an enchantment table
org.bukkit.event.inventory Events relating to inventory manipulation. 

Uses of InventoryView in org.bukkit.entity

Methods in org.bukkit.entity that return InventoryView
 InventoryView HumanEntity.getOpenInventory()
          Gets the inventory view the player is currently viewing.
 InventoryView HumanEntity.openEnchanting(Location location, boolean force)
          Opens an empty enchanting inventory window with the player's inventory on the bottom.
 InventoryView HumanEntity.openInventory(Inventory inventory)
          Opens an inventory window with the specified inventory on the top and the player's inventory on the bottom.
 InventoryView HumanEntity.openWorkbench(Location location, boolean force)
          Opens an empty workbench inventory window with the player's inventory on the bottom.

Methods in org.bukkit.entity with parameters of type InventoryView
 void HumanEntity.openInventory(InventoryView inventory)
          Opens an inventory window to the specified inventory view.

Uses of InventoryView in org.bukkit.event.enchantment

Constructors in org.bukkit.event.enchantment with parameters of type InventoryView
EnchantItemEvent(Player enchanter, InventoryView view, Block table, ItemStack item, int level, Map<Enchantment,Integer> enchants, int i)
PrepareItemEnchantEvent(Player enchanter, InventoryView view, Block table, ItemStack item, int[] levelsOffered, int bonus)

Uses of InventoryView in org.bukkit.event.inventory

Fields in org.bukkit.event.inventory declared as InventoryView
protected  InventoryView InventoryEvent.transaction

Methods in org.bukkit.event.inventory that return InventoryView
 InventoryView InventoryEvent.getView()
          Gets the view object itself

Constructors in org.bukkit.event.inventory with parameters of type InventoryView
CraftItemEvent(Recipe recipe, InventoryView what, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, boolean right, boolean shift)
CraftItemEvent(Recipe recipe, InventoryView what, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, ClickType click, InventoryAction action)
CraftItemEvent(Recipe recipe, InventoryView what, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, ClickType click, InventoryAction action, int key)
InventoryClickEvent(InventoryView view, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, boolean right, boolean shift)
InventoryClickEvent(InventoryView view, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, ClickType click, InventoryAction action)
InventoryClickEvent(InventoryView view, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, ClickType click, InventoryAction action, int key)
InventoryCloseEvent(InventoryView transaction)
InventoryCreativeEvent(InventoryView what, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, ItemStack newItem)
InventoryDragEvent(InventoryView what, ItemStack newCursor, ItemStack oldCursor, boolean right, Map<Integer,ItemStack> slots)
InventoryEvent(InventoryView transaction)
InventoryInteractEvent(InventoryView transaction)
InventoryOpenEvent(InventoryView transaction)
PrepareItemCraftEvent(CraftingInventory what, InventoryView view, boolean isRepair)

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