Uses of Class

Packages that use BlockFace
org.bukkit.block Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a world, including special states. 
org.bukkit.entity Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a world, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. 
org.bukkit.event.block Events relating to when a block is changed or interacts with the world
org.bukkit.event.hanging Events relating to entities that hang
org.bukkit.event.painting Events relating to paintings, but deprecated for more general hanging events. 
org.bukkit.event.player Events relating to players
org.bukkit.material Classes that represents various voxel types and states. 

Uses of BlockFace in org.bukkit.block

Methods in org.bukkit.block that return BlockFace
 BlockFace Block.getFace(Block block)
          Gets the face relation of this block compared to the given block
 BlockFace BlockFace.getOppositeFace()
 BlockFace Skull.getRotation()
          Gets the rotation of the skull in the world
static BlockFace BlockFace.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static BlockFace[] BlockFace.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.bukkit.block with parameters of type BlockFace
 int Block.getBlockPower(BlockFace face)
          Returns the redstone power being provided to this block face
 Block Block.getRelative(BlockFace face)
          Gets the block at the given face
 Block Block.getRelative(BlockFace face, int distance)
          Gets the block at the given distance of the given face
 boolean Block.isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(BlockFace face)
          Returns true if the block face is being indirectly powered by Redstone.
 boolean Block.isBlockFacePowered(BlockFace face)
          Returns true if the block face is being powered by Redstone.
 void Skull.setRotation(BlockFace rotation)
          Sets the rotation of the skull in the world

Uses of BlockFace in org.bukkit.entity

Methods in org.bukkit.entity with parameters of type BlockFace
 boolean Hanging.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face, boolean force)
          Sets the direction of the hanging entity, potentially overriding rules of placement.

Uses of BlockFace in org.bukkit.event.block

Fields in org.bukkit.event.block declared as BlockFace
protected  BlockFace BlockFromToEvent.face

Methods in org.bukkit.event.block that return BlockFace
 BlockFace BlockPistonEvent.getDirection()
          Return the direction in which the piston will operate.
 BlockFace BlockFromToEvent.getFace()
          Gets the BlockFace that the block is moving to.

Constructors in org.bukkit.event.block with parameters of type BlockFace
BlockFromToEvent(Block block, BlockFace face)
BlockPistonEvent(Block block, BlockFace direction)
BlockPistonExtendEvent(Block block, int length, BlockFace direction)
BlockPistonRetractEvent(Block block, BlockFace direction)

Uses of BlockFace in org.bukkit.event.hanging

Methods in org.bukkit.event.hanging that return BlockFace
 BlockFace HangingPlaceEvent.getBlockFace()
          Returns the face of the block that the hanging entity was placed on

Constructors in org.bukkit.event.hanging with parameters of type BlockFace
HangingPlaceEvent(Hanging hanging, Player player, Block block, BlockFace blockFace)

Uses of BlockFace in org.bukkit.event.painting

Methods in org.bukkit.event.painting that return BlockFace
 BlockFace PaintingPlaceEvent.getBlockFace()
          Deprecated. Returns the face of the block that the painting was placed on

Constructors in org.bukkit.event.painting with parameters of type BlockFace
PaintingPlaceEvent(Painting painting, Player player, Block block, BlockFace blockFace)

Uses of BlockFace in org.bukkit.event.player

Fields in org.bukkit.event.player declared as BlockFace
protected  BlockFace PlayerInteractEvent.blockFace

Methods in org.bukkit.event.player that return BlockFace
 BlockFace PlayerBucketEvent.getBlockFace()
          Get the face on the clicked block
 BlockFace PlayerInteractEvent.getBlockFace()
          Returns the face of the block that was clicked

Constructors in org.bukkit.event.player with parameters of type BlockFace
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(Player who, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand)
PlayerBucketEvent(Player who, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand)
PlayerBucketFillEvent(Player who, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand)
PlayerInteractEvent(Player who, Action action, ItemStack item, Block clickedBlock, BlockFace clickedFace)

Uses of BlockFace in org.bukkit.material

Methods in org.bukkit.material that return BlockFace
 BlockFace Stairs.getAscendingDirection()
 BlockFace Ladder.getAttachedFace()
          Gets the face that this block is attached on
 BlockFace Lever.getAttachedFace()
          Gets the face that this block is attached on
 BlockFace TripwireHook.getAttachedFace()
 BlockFace Attachable.getAttachedFace()
          Gets the face that this block is attached on
 BlockFace CocoaPlant.getAttachedFace()
 BlockFace Torch.getAttachedFace()
          Gets the face that this block is attached on
 BlockFace PistonExtensionMaterial.getAttachedFace()
 BlockFace TrapDoor.getAttachedFace()
 BlockFace Sign.getAttachedFace()
          Gets the face that this block is attached on
 BlockFace Button.getAttachedFace()
          Gets the face that this block is attached on
 BlockFace Stairs.getDescendingDirection()
 BlockFace Tree.getDirection()
          Get direction of the log
 BlockFace Rails.getDirection()
 BlockFace Directional.getFacing()
          Gets the direction this block is facing
 BlockFace Gate.getFacing()
 BlockFace Diode.getFacing()
 BlockFace Stairs.getFacing()
 BlockFace Skull.getFacing()
 BlockFace Bed.getFacing()
          Get the direction that this bed's head is facing toward
 BlockFace SimpleAttachableMaterialData.getFacing()
 BlockFace PistonBaseMaterial.getFacing()
 BlockFace Dispenser.getFacing()
 BlockFace CocoaPlant.getFacing()
 BlockFace DirectionalContainer.getFacing()
 BlockFace PistonExtensionMaterial.getFacing()
 BlockFace Pumpkin.getFacing()
 BlockFace Door.getFacing()
          Deprecated. Does not work (correctly) anymore
 BlockFace Sign.getFacing()
          Gets the direction that this sign is currently facing
 BlockFace Door.getHingeCorner()
          Deprecated. Does not work (correctly) anymore

Methods in org.bukkit.material that return types with arguments of type BlockFace
 Set<BlockFace> Mushroom.getPaintedFaces()

Methods in org.bukkit.material with parameters of type BlockFace
 boolean Mushroom.isFacePainted(BlockFace face)
          Checks whether a face of the block is painted.
 boolean Vine.isOnFace(BlockFace face)
          Check if the vine is attached to the specified face of an adjacent block.
 void Vine.putOnFace(BlockFace face)
          Attach the vine to the specified face of an adjacent block.
 void Vine.removeFromFace(BlockFace face)
          Detach the vine from the specified face of an adjacent block.
 void Tree.setDirection(BlockFace dir)
          Set direction of the log
 void Rails.setDirection(BlockFace face, boolean isOnSlope)
          Set the direction of these tracks
 void ExtendedRails.setDirection(BlockFace face, boolean isOnSlope)
 void Mushroom.setFacePainted(BlockFace face, boolean painted)
          Set a face of the block to be painted or not.
 void Ladder.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
          Sets the direction this ladder is facing
 void Directional.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
          Sets the direction that this block is facing in
 void Gate.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void Diode.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void Lever.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
          Sets the direction this lever is pointing in
 void TripwireHook.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void Stairs.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
          Set the direction the stair part of the block is facing
 void Skull.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void Bed.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
          Set which direction the head of the bed is facing.
 void PistonBaseMaterial.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void Dispenser.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void CocoaPlant.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void Torch.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void DirectionalContainer.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void PistonExtensionMaterial.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void Pumpkin.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void Door.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
          Deprecated. Does not work (correctly) anymore
 void TrapDoor.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void Sign.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
 void Button.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
          Sets the direction this button is pointing toward

Constructors in org.bukkit.material with parameters of type BlockFace
Bed(BlockFace direction)
          Instantiate a bed facing in a particular direction.
Chest(BlockFace direction)
          Instantiate a chest facing in a particular direction.
CocoaPlant(CocoaPlant.CocoaPlantSize sz, BlockFace dir)
Dispenser(BlockFace direction)
EnderChest(BlockFace direction)
          Instantiate an ender chest facing in a particular direction.
Furnace(BlockFace direction)
          Instantiate a furnace facing in a particular direction.
Pumpkin(BlockFace direction)
          Instantiate a pumpkin facing in a particular direction.
SimpleAttachableMaterialData(int type, BlockFace direction)
SimpleAttachableMaterialData(Material type, BlockFace direction)
Skull(BlockFace direction)
          Instantiate a skull facing in a particular direction.
Tree(TreeSpecies species, BlockFace dir)
TripwireHook(BlockFace dir)
Vine(BlockFace... faces)

Constructor parameters in org.bukkit.material with type arguments of type BlockFace
Vine(EnumSet<BlockFace> faces)

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