Uses of Class

Packages that use DyeColor
org.bukkit More generalized classes in the API. 
org.bukkit.entity Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a world, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. 
org.bukkit.event.entity Events relating to entities, excluding some directly referencing some more specific entity types. 
org.bukkit.material Classes that represents various voxel types and states. 

Uses of DyeColor in org.bukkit

Methods in org.bukkit that return DyeColor
static DyeColor DyeColor.getByColor(Color color)
          Gets the DyeColor with the given color value.
static DyeColor DyeColor.getByData(byte data)
          Deprecated. The name is misleading. It would imply Material.INK_SACK but uses Material.WOOL
static DyeColor DyeColor.getByDyeData(byte data)
          Deprecated. Magic value
static DyeColor DyeColor.getByFireworkColor(Color color)
          Gets the DyeColor with the given firework color value.
static DyeColor DyeColor.getByWoolData(byte data)
          Deprecated. Magic value
static DyeColor DyeColor.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static DyeColor[] DyeColor.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.bukkit with parameters of type DyeColor
 Color Color.mixDyes(DyeColor... colors)
          Creates a new color with its RGB components changed as if it was dyed with the colors passed in, replicating vanilla workbench dyeing

Uses of DyeColor in org.bukkit.entity

Methods in org.bukkit.entity that return DyeColor
 DyeColor Wolf.getCollarColor()
          Get the collar color of this wolf

Methods in org.bukkit.entity with parameters of type DyeColor
 void Wolf.setCollarColor(DyeColor color)
          Set the collar color of this wolf

Uses of DyeColor in org.bukkit.event.entity

Methods in org.bukkit.event.entity that return DyeColor
 DyeColor SheepDyeWoolEvent.getColor()
          Gets the DyeColor the sheep is being dyed

Methods in org.bukkit.event.entity with parameters of type DyeColor
 void SheepDyeWoolEvent.setColor(DyeColor color)
          Sets the DyeColor the sheep is being dyed

Constructors in org.bukkit.event.entity with parameters of type DyeColor
SheepDyeWoolEvent(Sheep sheep, DyeColor color)

Uses of DyeColor in org.bukkit.material

Methods in org.bukkit.material that return DyeColor
 DyeColor Colorable.getColor()
          Gets the color of this object.
 DyeColor Dye.getColor()
          Gets the current color of this dye
 DyeColor Wool.getColor()
          Gets the current color of this dye

Methods in org.bukkit.material with parameters of type DyeColor
 void Colorable.setColor(DyeColor color)
          Sets the color of this object to the specified DyeColor.
 void Dye.setColor(DyeColor color)
          Sets the color of this dye
 void Wool.setColor(DyeColor color)
          Sets the color of this dye

Constructors in org.bukkit.material with parameters of type DyeColor
Wool(DyeColor color)

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