Uses of Interface

Packages that use InventoryHolder
org.bukkit More generalized classes in the API. 
org.bukkit.block Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a world, including special states. 
org.bukkit.entity Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a world, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. 
org.bukkit.entity.minecart Interfaces for various Minecart types. 
org.bukkit.inventory Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions. 

Uses of InventoryHolder in org.bukkit

Methods in org.bukkit with parameters of type InventoryHolder
 Inventory Server.createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size)
          Creates an empty inventory of type InventoryType.CHEST with the specified size.
static Inventory Bukkit.createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size)
 Inventory Server.createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size, String title)
          Creates an empty inventory of type InventoryType.CHEST with the specified size and title.
static Inventory Bukkit.createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size, String title)
 Inventory Server.createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type)
          Creates an empty inventory of the specified type.
static Inventory Bukkit.createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type)
 Inventory Server.createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type, String title)
          Creates an empty inventory with the specified type and title.
static Inventory Bukkit.createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type, String title)

Uses of InventoryHolder in org.bukkit.block

Subinterfaces of InventoryHolder in org.bukkit.block
 interface Beacon
          Represents a beacon.
 interface BrewingStand
          Represents a brewing stand.
 interface Chest
          Represents a chest.
 interface ContainerBlock
          Deprecated. in favour of InventoryHolder
 interface Dispenser
          Represents a dispenser.
 interface Dropper
          Represents a dropper.
 interface Furnace
          Represents a furnace.
 interface Hopper
          Represents a hopper.

Classes in org.bukkit.block that implement InventoryHolder
 class DoubleChest
          Represents a double chest.

Methods in org.bukkit.block that return InventoryHolder
 InventoryHolder DoubleChest.getLeftSide()
 InventoryHolder DoubleChest.getRightSide()

Uses of InventoryHolder in org.bukkit.entity

Subinterfaces of InventoryHolder in org.bukkit.entity
 interface Horse
          Represents a Horse.
 interface HumanEntity
          Represents a human entity, such as an NPC or a player
 interface Player
          Represents a player, connected or not

Uses of InventoryHolder in org.bukkit.entity.minecart

Subinterfaces of InventoryHolder in org.bukkit.entity.minecart
 interface HopperMinecart
          Represents a Minecart with a Hopper inside it
 interface StorageMinecart
          Represents a minecart with a chest.

Uses of InventoryHolder in org.bukkit.inventory

Methods in org.bukkit.inventory that return InventoryHolder
 InventoryHolder Inventory.getHolder()
          Gets the block or entity belonging to the open inventory

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