Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProjectileSource
org.bukkit.entity Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a world, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. 
org.bukkit.projectiles Classes to represent the source of a projectile 

Uses of ProjectileSource in org.bukkit.entity

Subinterfaces of ProjectileSource in org.bukkit.entity
 interface Ageable
          Represents an entity that can age and breed.
 interface Ambient
          Represents an ambient mob
 interface Animals
          Represents an Animal.
 interface Bat
          Represents a Bat
 interface Blaze
          Represents a Blaze monster
 interface CaveSpider
          Represents a Spider.
 interface Chicken
          Represents a Chicken.
 interface ComplexLivingEntity
          Represents a complex living entity - one that is made up of various smaller parts
 interface Cow
          Represents a Cow.
 interface Creature
          Represents a Creature.
 interface Creeper
          Represents a Creeper
 interface EnderDragon
          Represents an Ender Dragon
 interface Enderman
          Represents an Enderman.
 interface Flying
          Represents a Flying Entity.
 interface Ghast
          Represents a Ghast.
 interface Giant
          Represents a Giant.
 interface Golem
          A mechanical creature that may harm enemies.
 interface Horse
          Represents a Horse.
 interface HumanEntity
          Represents a human entity, such as an NPC or a player
 interface IronGolem
          An iron Golem that protects Villages.
 interface LivingEntity
          Represents a living entity, such as a monster or player
 interface MagmaCube
          Represents a MagmaCube.
 interface Monster
          Represents a Monster.
 interface MushroomCow
          Represents a mushroom Cow
 interface NPC
          Represents a non-player character
 interface Ocelot
          A wild tameable cat
 interface Pig
          Represents a Pig.
 interface PigZombie
          Represents a Pig Zombie.
 interface Player
          Represents a player, connected or not
 interface Sheep
          Represents a Sheep.
 interface Silverfish
          Represents a Silverfish.
 interface Skeleton
          Represents a Skeleton.
 interface Slime
          Represents a Slime.
 interface Snowman
          Represents a snowman entity
 interface Spider
          Represents a Spider.
 interface Squid
          Represents a Squid.
 interface Villager
          Represents a villager NPC
 interface WaterMob
          Represents a Water Mob
 interface Witch
          Represents a Witch
 interface Wither
          Represents a Wither boss
 interface Wolf
          Represents a Wolf
 interface Zombie
          Represents a Zombie.

Methods in org.bukkit.entity that return ProjectileSource
 ProjectileSource Projectile.getShooter()
          Retrieve the shooter of this projectile.

Methods in org.bukkit.entity with parameters of type ProjectileSource
 void Projectile.setShooter(ProjectileSource source)
          Set the shooter of this projectile.

Uses of ProjectileSource in org.bukkit.projectiles

Subinterfaces of ProjectileSource in org.bukkit.projectiles
 interface BlockProjectileSource

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