Uses of Class

Packages that use Command
org.bukkit.command Classes relating to handling specialized non-chat player input. 
org.bukkit.command.defaults Commands for emulating the Minecraft commands and other necessary ones for use by a Bukkit implementation. Classes used to manipulate the default command and topic assistance system. Classes for handling plugins written in java. 

Uses of Command in org.bukkit.command

Subclasses of Command in org.bukkit.command
 class FormattedCommandAlias
 class MultipleCommandAlias
          Represents a command that delegates to one or more other commands
 class PluginCommand
          Represents a Command belonging to a plugin

Fields in org.bukkit.command with type parameters of type Command
protected  Map<String,Command> SimpleCommandMap.knownCommands

Methods in org.bukkit.command that return Command
 Command SimpleCommandMap.getCommand(String name)
 Command CommandMap.getCommand(String name)
          Gets the command registered to the specified name
 Command[] MultipleCommandAlias.getCommands()
          Gets the commands associated with the multi-command alias.
 Command Command.setAliases(List<String> aliases)
          Sets the list of aliases to request on registration for this command.
 Command Command.setDescription(String description)
          Sets a brief description of this command.
 Command Command.setPermissionMessage(String permissionMessage)
          Sets the message sent when a permission check fails
 Command Command.setUsage(String usage)
          Sets the example usage of this command

Methods in org.bukkit.command that return types with arguments of type Command
 Collection<Command> SimpleCommandMap.getCommands()
static List<Command> PluginCommandYamlParser.parse(Plugin plugin)

Methods in org.bukkit.command with parameters of type Command
 boolean CommandExecutor.onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args)
          Executes the given command, returning its success
 List<String> TabCompleter.onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command command, String alias, String[] args)
          Requests a list of possible completions for a command argument.
 boolean SimpleCommandMap.register(String fallbackPrefix, Command command)
          Registers a command.
 boolean CommandMap.register(String fallbackPrefix, Command command)
          Registers a command.
 boolean SimpleCommandMap.register(String label, String fallbackPrefix, Command command)
          Registers a command.
 boolean CommandMap.register(String label, String fallbackPrefix, Command command)
          Registers a command.

Method parameters in org.bukkit.command with type arguments of type Command
 void SimpleCommandMap.registerAll(String fallbackPrefix, List<Command> commands)
          Registers all the commands belonging to a certain plugin.
 void CommandMap.registerAll(String fallbackPrefix, List<Command> commands)
          Registers all the commands belonging to a certain plugin.

Constructors in org.bukkit.command with parameters of type Command
MultipleCommandAlias(String name, Command[] commands)

Uses of Command in org.bukkit.command.defaults

Subclasses of Command in org.bukkit.command.defaults
 class AchievementCommand
 class BanCommand
 class BanIpCommand
 class BanListCommand
 class BukkitCommand
 class ClearCommand
 class DefaultGameModeCommand
 class DeopCommand
 class DifficultyCommand
 class EffectCommand
 class EnchantCommand
 class ExpCommand
 class GameModeCommand
 class GameRuleCommand
 class GiveCommand
 class HelpCommand
 class KickCommand
 class KillCommand
 class ListCommand
 class MeCommand
 class OpCommand
 class PardonCommand
 class PardonIpCommand
 class PlaySoundCommand
 class PluginsCommand
 class ReloadCommand
 class SaveCommand
 class SaveOffCommand
 class SaveOnCommand
 class SayCommand
 class ScoreboardCommand
 class SeedCommand
 class SetIdleTimeoutCommand
 class SetWorldSpawnCommand
 class SpawnpointCommand
 class SpreadPlayersCommand
 class StopCommand
 class TeleportCommand
 class TellCommand
 class TestForCommand
 class TimeCommand
 class TimingsCommand
 class ToggleDownfallCommand
 class VanillaCommand
 class VersionCommand
 class WeatherCommand
 class WhitelistCommand

Uses of Command in

Classes in with type parameters of type Command
 interface HelpTopicFactory<TCommand extends Command>
          A HelpTopicFactory is used to create custom HelpTopic objects from commands that inherit from a common base class or have executors that inherit from a common base class.

Fields in declared as Command
protected  Command GenericCommandHelpTopic.command

Constructors in with parameters of type Command
GenericCommandHelpTopic(Command command)

Uses of Command in

Methods in with parameters of type Command
 boolean JavaPlugin.onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args)
          Executes the given command, returning its success
 List<String> JavaPlugin.onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command command, String alias, String[] args)
          Requests a list of possible completions for a command argument.

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