Packages that use Material | |
org.bukkit | More generalized classes in the API. |
org.bukkit.block | Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a world ,
including special states. |
org.bukkit.enchantments | Classes relating to the specialized enhancements to item stacks , as part of the meta data . |
org.bukkit.entity | Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a world , including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. |
org.bukkit.event.block | Events relating to when a block is changed or interacts with the world . |
org.bukkit.event.entity | Events relating to entities , excluding some directly referencing
some more specific entity types. |
org.bukkit.event.inventory | Events relating to inventory manipulation. |
org.bukkit.event.player | Events relating to players . |
org.bukkit.inventory | Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions. |
org.bukkit.material | Classes that represents various voxel types and states. |
Uses of Material in org.bukkit |
Methods in org.bukkit that return Material | |
static Material |
Material.getMaterial(int id)
Deprecated. Magic value |
static Material |
Material.getMaterial(String name)
Attempts to get the Material with the given name. |
Material |
UnsafeValues.getMaterialFromInternalName(String name)
Deprecated. |
static Material |
Material.matchMaterial(String name)
Attempts to match the Material with the given name. |
static Material |
Material.valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. |
static Material[] |
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. |
Methods in org.bukkit with parameters of type Material | |
FallingBlock |
World.spawnFallingBlock(Location location,
Material material,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Uses of Material in org.bukkit.block |
Methods in org.bukkit.block that return Material | |
Material |
Get the record currently playing |
Material |
Gets the type of this block |
Material |
Gets the type of this block |
Methods in org.bukkit.block with parameters of type Material | |
void |
Jukebox.setPlaying(Material record)
Set the record currently playing |
void |
Block.setType(Material type)
Sets the type of this block |
void |
BlockState.setType(Material type)
Sets the type of this block |
Uses of Material in org.bukkit.enchantments |
Methods in org.bukkit.enchantments with parameters of type Material | |
abstract boolean |
EnchantmentTarget.includes(Material item)
Check whether this target includes the specified item. |
Uses of Material in org.bukkit.entity |
Methods in org.bukkit.entity that return Material | |
Material |
Get the Material of the falling block |
Methods in org.bukkit.entity with parameters of type Material | |
void |
Player.decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
Material material)
Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given material. |
void |
Player.decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
Material material,
int amount)
Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given material. |
int |
Player.getStatistic(Statistic statistic,
Material material)
Gets the value of the given statistic for this player. |
void |
Player.incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
Material material)
Increments the given statistic for this player for the given material. |
void |
Player.incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
Material material,
int amount)
Increments the given statistic for this player for the given material. |
void |
Player.sendBlockChange(Location loc,
Material material,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
void |
Player.setStatistic(Statistic statistic,
Material material,
int newValue)
Sets the given statistic for this player for the given material. |
Uses of Material in org.bukkit.event.block |
Methods in org.bukkit.event.block that return Material | |
Material |
Gets the type of block that changed, causing this event |
Material |
Gets the Material that we are trying to place. |
Uses of Material in org.bukkit.event.entity |
Methods in org.bukkit.event.entity that return Material | |
Material |
Gets the Material that the block is changing into |
Constructors in org.bukkit.event.entity with parameters of type Material | |
EntityChangeBlockEvent(Entity what,
Block block,
Material to,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
EntityChangeBlockEvent(LivingEntity what,
Block block,
Material to)
Deprecated. Provided as a backward compatibility before the data byte was provided, and type increased to all entities |
Uses of Material in org.bukkit.event.inventory |
Methods in org.bukkit.event.inventory that return Material | |
Material |
Get the Material of the item being retrieved |
Constructors in org.bukkit.event.inventory with parameters of type Material | |
FurnaceExtractEvent(Player player,
Block block,
Material itemType,
int itemAmount,
int exp)
Uses of Material in org.bukkit.event.player |
Methods in org.bukkit.event.player that return Material | |
Material |
Returns the bucket used in this event |
Material |
Gets the Material if getStatistic() is a block
or item statistic otherwise returns null. |
Material |
Convenience method. |
Constructors in org.bukkit.event.player with parameters of type Material | |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(Player who,
Block blockClicked,
BlockFace blockFace,
Material bucket,
ItemStack itemInHand)
PlayerBucketEvent(Player who,
Block blockClicked,
BlockFace blockFace,
Material bucket,
ItemStack itemInHand)
PlayerBucketFillEvent(Player who,
Block blockClicked,
BlockFace blockFace,
Material bucket,
ItemStack itemInHand)
PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent(Player player,
Statistic statistic,
int initialValue,
int newValue,
Material material)
Uses of Material in org.bukkit.inventory |
Methods in org.bukkit.inventory that return Material | |
Material |
Gets the type of this item |
Methods in org.bukkit.inventory with parameters of type Material | |
ShapelessRecipe |
ShapelessRecipe.addIngredient(int count,
Material ingredient)
Adds multiples of the specified ingredient. |
ShapelessRecipe |
ShapelessRecipe.addIngredient(int count,
Material ingredient,
int rawdata)
Deprecated. Magic value |
ShapelessRecipe |
ShapelessRecipe.addIngredient(Material ingredient)
Adds the specified ingredient. |
ShapelessRecipe |
ShapelessRecipe.addIngredient(Material ingredient,
int rawdata)
Deprecated. Magic value |
HashMap<Integer,? extends ItemStack> |
Inventory.all(Material material)
Returns a HashMap with all slots and ItemStacks in the inventory with the given Material. |
ItemMeta |
ItemFactory.asMetaFor(ItemMeta meta,
Material material)
Returns an appropriate item meta for the specified material. |
boolean |
Inventory.contains(Material material)
Checks if the inventory contains any ItemStacks with the given material. |
boolean |
Inventory.contains(Material material,
int amount)
Checks if the inventory contains any ItemStacks with the given material, adding to at least the minimum amount specified. |
int |
Inventory.first(Material material)
Finds the first slot in the inventory containing an ItemStack with the given material |
ItemMeta |
ItemFactory.getItemMeta(Material material)
This creates a new item meta for the material. |
boolean |
ItemFactory.isApplicable(ItemMeta meta,
Material material)
This method checks the item meta to confirm that it is applicable (no data lost if applied) to the specified Material. |
void |
Inventory.remove(Material material)
Removes all stacks in the inventory matching the given material. |
ShapelessRecipe |
ShapelessRecipe.removeIngredient(int count,
Material ingredient)
Removes multiple instances of an ingredient from the list. |
ShapelessRecipe |
ShapelessRecipe.removeIngredient(int count,
Material ingredient,
int rawdata)
Deprecated. Magic value |
ShapelessRecipe |
ShapelessRecipe.removeIngredient(Material ingredient)
Removes an ingredient from the list. |
ShapelessRecipe |
ShapelessRecipe.removeIngredient(Material ingredient,
int rawdata)
Deprecated. Magic value |
ShapedRecipe |
ShapedRecipe.setIngredient(char key,
Material ingredient)
Sets the material that a character in the recipe shape refers to. |
ShapedRecipe |
ShapedRecipe.setIngredient(char key,
Material ingredient,
int raw)
Deprecated. Magic value |
FurnaceRecipe |
FurnaceRecipe.setInput(Material input)
Sets the input of this furnace recipe. |
FurnaceRecipe |
FurnaceRecipe.setInput(Material input,
int data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
void |
ItemStack.setType(Material type)
Sets the type of this item |
Constructors in org.bukkit.inventory with parameters of type Material | |
FurnaceRecipe(ItemStack result,
Material source)
Create a furnace recipe to craft the specified ItemStack. |
FurnaceRecipe(ItemStack result,
Material source,
int data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
ItemStack(Material type)
Defaults stack size to 1, with no extra data |
ItemStack(Material type,
int amount)
An item stack with no extra data |
ItemStack(Material type,
int amount,
short damage)
An item stack with the specified damage / durabiltiy |
ItemStack(Material type,
int amount,
short damage,
Byte data)
Deprecated. this method uses an ambiguous data byte object |
Uses of Material in org.bukkit.material |
Methods in org.bukkit.material that return Material | |
Material |
Gets the Material that this MaterialData represents |
Material |
Gets the current Material this block is made of |
Methods in org.bukkit.material that return types with arguments of type Material | |
abstract List<Material> |
Retrieve a list of possible textures. |
List<Material> |
List<Material> |
List<Material> |
Methods in org.bukkit.material with parameters of type Material | |
void |
TexturedMaterial.setMaterial(Material material)
Sets the material this block is made of |
Constructors in org.bukkit.material with parameters of type Material | |
Bed(Material type)
Bed(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Button(Material type)
Button(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Cake(Material type)
Cake(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Chest(Material type)
Chest(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Coal(Material type)
Coal(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Command(Material type)
Command(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Crops(Material type)
Crops(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
DetectorRail(Material type)
DetectorRail(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Diode(Material type)
Diode(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
DirectionalContainer(Material type)
DirectionalContainer(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Dispenser(Material type)
Dispenser(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Door(Material type)
Deprecated. |
Door(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Dye(Material type)
Dye(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
EnderChest(Material type)
EnderChest(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
ExtendedRails(Material type)
ExtendedRails(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
FlowerPot(Material type)
FlowerPot(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Furnace(Material type)
Furnace(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
FurnaceAndDispenser(Material type)
FurnaceAndDispenser(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Ladder(Material type)
Ladder(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Leaves(Material type)
Leaves(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Lever(Material type)
Lever(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
LongGrass(Material type)
LongGrass(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
MaterialData(Material type)
MaterialData(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
MonsterEggs(Material type)
MonsterEggs(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Mushroom(Material shroom)
Mushroom(Material shroom,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
NetherWarts(Material type)
NetherWarts(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
PistonBaseMaterial(Material type)
PistonBaseMaterial(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
PistonExtensionMaterial(Material type)
PistonExtensionMaterial(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
PoweredRail(Material type)
PoweredRail(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
PressurePlate(Material type)
PressurePlate(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Pumpkin(Material type)
Pumpkin(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Rails(Material type)
Rails(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
RedstoneTorch(Material type)
RedstoneTorch(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
RedstoneWire(Material type)
RedstoneWire(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Sandstone(Material type)
Sandstone(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Sign(Material type)
Sign(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
SimpleAttachableMaterialData(Material type)
SimpleAttachableMaterialData(Material type,
BlockFace direction)
SimpleAttachableMaterialData(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Skull(Material type)
Skull(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
SmoothBrick(Material type)
SmoothBrick(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Stairs(Material type)
Stairs(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Step(Material type)
Step(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
TexturedMaterial(Material m)
TexturedMaterial(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Torch(Material type)
Torch(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
TrapDoor(Material type)
TrapDoor(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Tree(Material type)
Tree(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
WoodenStep(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |
Wool(Material type)
Wool(Material type,
byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value |